
The vast majority of our pupils travel to school in either Devon County Council funded Transport or Torbay Council funded Transport (minibus or taxi).  A small number arrive by private car or travel independently.

There is no automatic entitlement to transport assistance from Devon County Council or Torbay Council for children who have an Education Health & Care Plan.  Further information about transport for SEND pupils can be found as follows:

Devon County Council’s website: Transport for children with special educational needs Archives – Education and Families (
Torbay Council's website: Home to school transport - Torbay Council

If you wish to make an enquiry regarding entitlement to free or assisted school transport, please email:
Devon's School Transport Team
Torbay's School Transport Team cstransport@​

Or call Devon's Transport Team on 0345 155 1019 or Torbay's Transport Team on 01803 207688