Careers & Enterprise


  • To ensure pupils and their parents & carers are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and/or the world of work.

Our core aims:

  • All pupils, parents & carers and teachers have access to up to date careers information, advice and guidance.
  • All pupils have access to an engaging, enriched, meaningful and developmental careers programme.
  • All pupils transition to a variety of sustained positive destinations.
  • The Learn to Live Federation has a crucial role to play in preparing students for transitions for their next stage of education, training or employment. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) are an important and integral part of all pupils’ entitlement and learning here at the Federation, to aid their personal and character development.

Through a planned Careers & Enterprise Programme, we are committed to providing the appropriate activities and experiences to enable pupils to make well-informed decisions and successful transitions in life and work. We support pupils to prepare for their preferred transitional pathway whether that is to continue with further education, employment, training or living independently. We have a person-centred approach to pupil outcomes through our EHCP Annual Review process, where we work with all stakeholders to shape clear and ambitious targets for pupils to prepare for their next steps.

Our Careers Lead at Bidwell Brook is Ruth McGuigan, email, telephone 01803 864120.

CSW Group

Rachel Bolt is our nominated Careers Adviser from CSW Group. CSW is a not-for-profit organisation, contracted by Devon County Council, to assist families through key transition points. Alongside this existing support and as part of our Careers Programme offer, Bidwell Brook has commissioned CSW Group to deliver our impartial and independent advice and guidance meetings (IAG) to all students in Years 10 & 13.  CSW Group will help you and your young person to explore and consider possible future options.  If you wish to contact Rachel direct, her email is

Please click on the following to view our:

Useful links

Heart of the South West Careers Hub Website
Which Way? Your Way! Devon | Devon and Cornwall Training Provider Network
DCC SEND Local Offer – Education for young adults
National Careers Service
National Citizenship Service (NCS)
College and University Open Days
Find an apprenticeship
Amazing Apprenticeships
Preparation for Adulthood Website
Your Daughter’s Future – A guide to helps parents support daughters making career choices

Do you work in a business that could help provide work experience opportunities for our pupils?

We are always looking for local businesses that are wanting to inspire and educate our pupils about the world of work and expand and develop our Careers Programme. If you think you could help to provide invaluable work experience or other opportunities, in the first instance, please contact Ruth McGuigan –

The information published on this page will be reviewed every three years or as a result of any updates received.

To find out more about Transitions around Bidwell Brook and beyond, please head to our Transitions page: