Transition Support


Moving from school to another setting is referred to as ‘transition’. There is a variety of options to choose from - what will suit one pupil will not necessarily be ideal for another. It is a very personal choice but one that hopefully as a school we can support you to make.

Learners can stay at the Learn to Live Federation until the end of Year 14 (if it is appropriate). Young people must be in some form of education or training to the age of 18 years, but this could be at an alternative provision. All young people can legally move on to a Further Education setting after Year 11 when they are 16 years old or in their 16th year.  However, please note that the details of a young person’s Education, Health and Care Plan (needs/outcomes/provision) will need to be considered by any education provision as part of their admission process and an offer of a place is not guaranteed. Some independent provisions may offer a place but this is not guaranteed until funding is agreed by the SEND 0-25 Team at Devon County Council.

Some learners are ready to leave the Learn to Live Federation before they turn 19 years old.

CSW is able to advise on the available options and families are encouraged to make contact with local providers prior to the young person’s Year 11 Annual Review.  If it is decided that a student will transition to a new placement at the end of Year 11, Key Stage 4 staff will support with this in the form of sharing information with the new provision and, if offered by the provider, supporting with transition visits.

Who is CSW?  Rachel Bolt is our nominated Careers Adviser from CSW Group. CSW is a not-for-profit organisation, contracted by Devon County Council, to assist families through key transition points. Alongside this existing support and as part of our Careers Programme offer, Bidwell Brook has commissioned CSW Group to deliver our impartial and Independent Advice and Guidance meetings (IAG) to all students in Years 10 and 13.  CSW Group help families and young people to explore and consider possible future options.  If you would like to contact Rachel direct, her email is

This Learn to Live Transitions Information Booklet has been produced to support our families to navigate their young person’s transition for post-16 and post-19 provision, answering many frequently asked questions.

This booklet is a guide to support with preparing to move on from school. It provides learners and their families with information about:

  • what to expect at each stage as the learner progresses through school
  • options for the future
  • how the school supports the transition & review process
  • available support and sources of further information

The Transitions Co-ordinator at Bidwell Brook School is Ruth McGuigan. Ruth can be contacted on 01803 864120 or email

The Transitions Support Group is a forum where families can attend information sessions relating to various aspects of transition. Guest speakers from a range of services are invited to attend and present to families followed by a Q&A session. These forums are promoted through our school communication channels.

We are aware many families may be unable to attend forums during the day due to work commitments.  Unfortunately, unlike school staff who are able to run meetings starting late afternoon into early evening, this is often not the case for other agencies. Information from meetings will therefore be made available on our website and information shared on our school newsletter and social media platforms.

Previous presentations and resources from our Transitions Support Group:

An Introduction to Apprenticeships: Bidwell Brook School