The Preparing for Adulthood programme (PfA) is developed and delivered by the National Development Team for inclusion (NDTi). PfA aims to support young people into adulthood with paid employment, good health, independent living options and friends, relationships and community inclusion.
Our Federation incorporates the PfA objectives into our Learn to Live Curriculum Policy offer by threading it through everything that we offer. The aim is for all of our pupils to develop skills which will:
• prepare them for their next stage of their lives;
• enable them to become increasingly independent;
• help them find their place in the wider community;
• be prepared for adulthood when they leave the Learn to Live Federation.
PfA begins in the early years and continues throughout the pupil's school journey. PfA underpins curriculum policies and planning.
PfA aims ‘extends beyond [the] academic, technical or vocational’ learning and ‘provides for pupils’ broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents’ (Ofsted EIF, 2019). There is a focus on the individual pupils’ personal development with careful consideration and analysis of their strengths and needs, ensuring that during EHCP Annual Reviews/PCRs, pupils have aspirational short- and long-term outcomes to work towards.
As our pupils’ transition to further education, training, bespoke packages or voluntary or paid work, we support them and their families to choose the right pathway to adulthood.
Click below to find out more about Preparation for Adulthood at our school.