
The Learn to Live Federation gives students a range of practical mathematical opportunities which enable them to feel confident in their ability. We strive to make learning fun and interactive, covering a range of topics that engage all learners and supports their learning style to be the best mathematicians they can be. Maths is embedded in the daily school routine ensuring that there are always opportunities for learning. Maths develops independence and decision-making skills which are integrated through the whole curriculum. We teach Maths and numeracy at a level that is appropriate to the learning styles, needs and motivation of each pupil. All our students learn at different rates so teachers will support each student to meet their full potential.

In Early Years, pupils learn through exploration and experimentation. Maths teaching in Early Years is play-based with opportunities provided for children to learn mathematical concepts through continuous provision. As pupils move on to Key stage 1, the maths teaching will continue to be play-based with short bursts of discrete teaching as pupils become developmentally ready. When pupils are transitioned to Key Stage 2, maths is taught as a discrete subject, this continues through to Key Stage 3 and 4 where pupils will continue to deepen their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and continue to use maths in different contexts. Some pupils will be working towards functional skills accredited qualifications, if appropriate.

  • Early Years – In Early Years, pupils learn through exploration and experimentation. Maths teaching in Early Years is play-based with opportunities provided for children to learn mathematical concepts through continuous provision.
  • Key Stage 1 – In Key Stage 1, Maths teaching is play-based with short bursts of discrete teaching as pupils become developmentally ready. Play opportunities aim to support generalisation of discretely taught skills and knowledge.
  • Key Stage 2 - Maths is taught as a discrete subject and is embedded throughout other activities. Pupils will start to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts through learning that is appropriate to their development.
  • Key Stage 3 & 4 - In Key Stages 3 & 4, the pupils will continue to deepen their understanding in Maths. Teachers will continue to identify and fill gaps in knowledge and understanding. Pupils will be given opportunities to apply the Maths knowledge they have learnt in real-world contexts to help with motivation and engagement. As pupils progress from Key Stage 3 to 4, some students will be working towards gaining Functional Skills, a nationally recognised qualification.
  • Sixth Form – In Sixth Form, Maths is delivered through personalised programmes, in response to the individual needs and outcomes identified for each student, linking to Preparing for Adulthood outcomes. The focus is on students being able to use and apply Maths skills functionally, for example, within the workplace, or independent life skills contexts. Students will continue to work towards accreditation in Functional Skills Maths, if relevant and appropriate.